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Christmas Chronicles: The Shepherds

Luke 2:1-20 records the spectacular story of the birth of Jesus, one of the most familiar and favorite narratives in the Bible to many (Click here to read it).

It is really significant that the Lord chose to share this world-changing Good News with shepherds living in the fields, watching over their sheep. Why is that such a big deal and why does it matter to you and me? Even more, what did these shepherds do with this incredible news? And what should you and I do with it?

Can you imagine the shepherds, sitting out in their fields, minding their own business, watching over their sheep to protect them from thieves and predators... then suddenly, an angel of the Lord makes an appearance to share some remarkable news!

Two things happen when this angel shows up: the shepherds are afraid and then they are changed! Not surprisingly, these shepherds were terrified and who could blame them? But then the angel calms their fears by telling them that he has good news that will bring great joy for the whole world! (Luke 2:10)

Now think about this for a minute… This world-changing Good News was not shared first with the intellectual elite, religious rulers or powerful politicians; it was shared with humble shepherds!  

The news that would truly change the world came to remarkably ordinary people first; people like you and me. Why does that matter? Because it is vital that you and I know and believe that Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, came here for us! God’s mercy and grace are available to all who place their trust and faith in Jesus to save them from their sin. As we learned over the past two weeks, the name Jesus literally means: Savior; The Lord saves

The Apostle Peter would decades later proclaim:  43 “All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.” Acts 10:43

The shepherds in Biblical times had a three-fold job: protect the sheep, feed the sheep and hydrate the sheep. Because the sheep were valuable and vulnerable, shepherds stayed with them day and night. They cared deeply for their sheep!  

David, a former shepherd himself, refers to the Lord as his shepherd, as our shepherd, in one of the most often quoted passages in the Bible, Psalm 23 (click to read).  I love that picture of our Lord, don’t you? Jesus would later refer to Himself in this way:  11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” John 10:11  And of course, Jesus would ultimately do exactly that for you and me.

It is not by accident that the Good News first came to shepherds, ordinary, regular folks, just like you and me. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, came to relate to us, to guide us, to care for us. He came to comfort us, to protect us and, most importantly, to save us from eternal death. (John 3:16-17)

The heavenly host would appear to the shepherds that evening too, sharing this life-changing news! Peace is available to all who receive God’s gift of grace!  (Luke 2:13-14).  The angels weren’t proclaiming universal salvation or a blanket peace on earth; they were declaring that God’s grace would come through Jesus Christ, the One who would provide all who choose to believe, peace with God! If and when you trust Jesus to save you, you will experience peace on earth! This is life-changing, world-changing Good News!  

If you have not yet invited Jesus to save you, why not make that decision this Christmas? For much more, including what the shepherds did with this world-changing Good News, click here to listen to the entire message, and share it with someone too!  


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