Courage to obey

Most of us don’t like to be told what to do. We tend to want to call our own shots or chart our own course; but if you are a Believer, God wants and expects to take the lead in your life. For some people, that is not easy. For some, there is fear in giving up control or obeying God’s expectations for your life. So how can we have courage to obey?
Abraham, known as the “father of our faith” (Gal. 3:7), is well known for his obedience to God. Abram was called to leave his country, his people and his father to go to a land God would show him. God’s call came with promises - a land of his own, to be a great nation and to be blessed! (Gen. 12:1-3). But for Abraham (and his children) to experience those promises, he had to obey - to “go”! That was not an easy decision. No doubt Abram would have wrestled with real risks and natural fears; but despite that, Abraham went! He obediently followed God’s call. (Gen.12:4). While he was far from perfect, making some poor choices along the way, Abraham remains a great example of obedience and a hero of our faith.
God’s Word is full of amazing promises - over 5000! Those promises are often tied to obedience. Fellow Pastor Rick Warren calls them promises and premises. God often says, you do this (premise) and I will do this (promise). So to experience many of God’s promises, we must be obedient. Check out these seven great promises (and premises): Exodus 14:14, Isaiah 40:31, Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 50:15, James 4:7, Philippians 4:6, John 3:16. Do you see the premises and the promises? God expects obedience from us! When we are obedient, we can experience many of His amazing promises.
Abraham’s obedience resulted in him experiencing God’s promises. He is a hero of our faith.
What does Abraham’s story teach us?
We can have courage to obey! Abraham’s faith would be famously tested again years later when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac. Abraham was willing to do whatever God asked of him. He had the courage to obey and we can too!
Nothing we do will thwart His plan. Even Abraham’s failures demonstrate that God, while not shielding us from the consequences of our sin, graciously works His will in us and through us.
God expects and honors simple obedience. Abraham didn’t seem to hesitate when God called him to act. Like most of us, he may have been afraid, but when the time came, he went. Will you obey God’s commands, instruction, lead in your life?
God always keeps His promises! Will you listen and obey in every way?
God doesn’t promise that life will be easy or problem free. But He is always at work shaping your character, drawing you near Him and bringing glory to Himself.