Daily bread

Thanksgiving is just a week away! It is definitely one of the highlights of my year… I love to get together with family and enjoy a big meal… I am grateful to God for both! This year we are planning to fry our turkeys. Notice I said “turkeys”, as in more than one. We love leftovers too! It has been a while since we fried our birds, so I am looking forward to it. ‘May even have a fish fry on Friday… well, since the oil will be ready and waiting! Might as well, right? I think a lot about food…In fact, my stomach is growling right now!
Jesus knew “food” was on our minds. After all, it is one of our most basic needs, which is why Jesus referenced it in the model prayer He taught us. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11. What does that mean? It means that I am going to trust God to provide for me daily… that He is my provider. The Bible makes very clear that I can trust God to provide for my needs daily for two reasons…
Because that is who God is…
There is a name for God in the bible. It is Jehovah Jireh, which means “the LORD-Who-Provides”. He is our Provider. Do you trust Him to provide for you? Do you praise Him as your provider?
I can also trust God to provide for me daily…
Because that is what God does…
In the Old Testament, the LORD provided for the Israelites daily for nearly 40 years while they were making their way toward the promised land. He rained down manna and sent quail daily for them to eat. (Ref. Exodus 16:1-12). He revealed His glory to all with His daily provisions!
God is our provider! The truth is, while He provides our daily bread, He offers so much more. In Jesus, God has provided us with the bread of life. 35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. John 6:35. Are you grateful for the daily provisions God offers you? Are you hungry today, but not just for food? God wants to meet your needs. Will your trust Jesus today as your Lord and Savior? Will you help Him feed others? For much more, listen to Risky Prayer, Part 2.