Reclaiming Your Family

What is the most important thing to you in this world? Think about that... Would you say your family? If you're a Believer, your relationship with Christ comes first, but after that, in this world, wouldn't it be family? Your family is more important than your job, your income, your standard of living or your ambitions. There is nothing that matters more in this world than family. But yet, it seems that sometimes, our family relationships get sacrificed for things that don't matter nearly as much.
Watermark has launched a new series Reclaiming the Family. Last Sunday we considered the call to commitment that each of us has to family... What does commitment to your family look like? God models love and commitment for us... 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39. We talked about a commitment to Christ as foundational to a healthy, strong family. Then a commitment to marriage, to each family member, to family "first", to family traditions and to the long haul. Are you deeply committed to Christ and to your family? For much more, listen to this sermon online and share it with someone who could use some encouragement and a challenge.