Christmas Chronicles, Mary
Have you ever faced what you perceived as an impossible task? Mary found herself in a situation that likely seemed impossible for her.

Saving Faith
Are you a big talker or a big doer! James wrapped up the first chapter in his letter with a call to not just listen to the Word, but to...

Seeing Others Like Jesus
Do you see others like Jesus? How did Jesus see people? After a call not to simply listen to the Word, but to do the Word, James opens...

Doing God's Word!
Many Christ-followers are fooling themselves; they are wrongly thinking that because they’re reading the Word, hearing the Word, and...

Building a Christ-honoring Life (A Study in James)
The book of James is a well-crafted, inspired blueprint, designed to help us build lives that will truly honor Christ!

Persevering Through Prayer
Has there been a time in your life when you’ve just wanted to throw in the towel, throw up your hands and give up? We’ve all been there...

Praying with Purpose
Do you have any fire extinguishers in your house? If so, when is the last time you checked to see if they were still charged and ready to...

Go Fish!
We celebrated Easter a couple weeks ago, which is the greatest time of the year for a Christ-follower! The truth that Jesus was crucified...