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The Betrayals of Jesus: Contrasting Judas and Peter

During His last supper before His crucifixion, Jesus boldly predicted that one of His disciples would betray Him (Matthew 26:21). Even though Jesus didn’t say who the betrayer would be, the mystery was solved in hours. So the big question wasn’t who, but why? And the truth is, Judas wasn’t the only one who betrayed Jesus that night. One of Jesus’ closest friends and disciples, Simon Peter, also betrayed Him. Not in the same way Judas did, but Peter “disowned” Jesus by denying he ever knew Him, and not once, but three times, just as Jesus had predicted (Matthew 26:34-35). Why? Why would two of Jesus’ hand-picked Twelve betray Him?

If we’re completely honest, we could ask ourselves the same question because the brutal truth is that we too have betrayed Jesus; maybe not in the same way Judas and Peter did, but we have failed Him, sinned against Him, “denied” Him in our own ways. Why? What do those failures say about us and our commitment to Christ? And where do those failures ultimately lead us? Comparing and contrasting Judas and Peter helps us to answer those hard questions about them and about ourselves.

Four Contrasts:

1) Judas played the role of disciple while Peter lived the role of disciple.

2) Judas never really believed Jesus was Lord but Peter never really doubted Jesus was Lord.

3) Judas served Himself first and Peter served Jesus first.

4) Judas would be a fatal footnote in the New Testament Church while Peter would be a firm foundation in the New Testament Church

Would you honestly consider a few questions…

  • Are you playing the role of disciple or living the role of disciple?

  • Are you serving yourself first or Jesus first?

  • Is there any doubt that Jesus is your Savior and Lord? 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9.

  • Will you be a footnote or a firm foundation for Christ’s sake?

Peter’s story goes to show that even the most committed can falter and fail. None of us is perfect. The question becomes, not will you fail, but what will you do after you fail? Will you let that failure define you, or will you let it refine you, becoming the fully devoted disciple Christ longs for you to be?

For much more, click here to listen to watch the worship service and listen to The Week That Changed the World - Part 5 - The Betrayals of Jesus.

1 Comment

Hannur Orovichengo
Hannur Orovichengo
Jan 06

Good article

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