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What inspires your worship?

What inspires your worship? What inspires your praise? No doubt it is knowing who God is and what He has done for you. Knowing that we are remarkably flawed by sin, but graciously forgiven in Jesus Christ inspires our worship!

Last week, we learned about a man who was healed physically by Jesus, having his paralysis wiped away, but also being healed spiritually, having his sins wiped away. What was his response? 25 Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. Luke 5:25. His natural, heart-felt response to Christ for what He did for him was gratitude, praise, worship!

Some time later, Jesus encountered a woman well known for her sin while having dinner at the home of a Pharisee. Take a look at the narrative captured in Luke 7:36-50 to see how Jesus responds to this woman, how the Pharisee responds to her, and how this woman responds to Jesus.

We see Jesus often eating with sinners, but in this case, He is eating with a religious leader. A woman in town whose sin is notorious shows up at the dinner. What do you think it would take for a woman like her to go there? Do you think it would have been easy for her? No doubt it took courage! It takes courage to confront your sin and seek salvation! This woman was honest and courageous. There are a lot of people who are afraid to confront their sin. Why do you think that is?

Why do some people not want to confront their sin?

  • They would rather ignore it.… pretend it doesn’t exist. “If I ignore it, I don’t have to deal with it.”

  • They don’t want to feel uncomfortable…. no one wants to think they are “sinful”; it doesn’t make us feel warm and fuzzy. Being honest about our sin makes us uncomfortable.

  • They don’t want to change… many are absolutely fine with how they are living their lives… “after all it’s my life and I’ll do what I please.” They don’t like the idea of change because they don’t want to change!

  • They are afraid to face God… “I’m afraid God is really mad at me and I don’t want to face Him… so I will stay far away from Him; I’ll run from Him.”

Maybe you are wrestling with some of these excuses or maybe someone close to you is… So what can you do? Be honest, be real, be courageous because the truth is we are all woeful sinners in need of a Savior. In Jesus Christ, we are offered the Savior we desperately need!

This woman knows who she is - a sinner; and she knows who Jesus is - her Savior. Her actions leave no doubt! When I receive salvation through faith in Christ, my heart is poured out to Him in worship. 38 As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. Luke 7:38.

Why would she do this? It may seem odd that she would pour out this expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet; but she came there that evening to see Jesus and to show Him how grateful she was for the salvation He offered her. She must have known of His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness as Savior, so she poured our her heart to Him in gratitude and worship.

When you consider what Jesus has done for you, how do you respond? There is only one response… to worship Him! Does your worship reflect a heart that is poured out in gratitude to Jesus for what He has done for you?

The Pharisee was perplexed that Jesus would allow this sinful woman to get near Him, and especially to touch Him. But Jesus welcomes all who are honest and repentant.

No doubt this woman was beaten up emotionally and spiritually by her poor choices. She didn’t like who she was or what she had become. Her spirit was wounded and desperately in need of repair. Have you ever been there?

Her response to Jesus leaves no doubt she had heard and believed His compelling words of grace and forgiveness. She now sees herself not for who she is in her sin, but who she is in Christ - a forgiven child of God filled with hope! She is blessed! (Romans 4:7-8)

How do you see yourself? How does Christ see you? How do you see others? How does Christ see them? Who in your life is broken, tattered, hurting? Will you reach out to them, invest in them, disciple them, invite them to worship Him?

For much more, click here to listen to The Jesus Experience - Part 5 - The Worshipper.