How to Leave a Mark for Jesus Christ

Everybody wants their one and only life to count! Who doesn’t want to leave a mark in this world? And nothing matters more than leaving a mark for Jesus Christ. So how can we do that? In Acts 2, we discover three essential steps we can take to leave a mark for Jesus Christ as well as four important practices modeled in the early church that will deepen our devotion to Christ.

How to Leave a Mark for Christ… Expanding my reach and the reach of my church. Three Essential Steps:

Step 1 - Yield yourself fully to the Holy Spirit’s leadership! (Acts 2:1-6;11-13)

When the Spirit showed up at Pentecost, He made a spectacular entrance with wind and fire, both representing the power and presence of God. He enabled the apostles to speak the languages of the people from many nations who were in Jerusalem during the Pentecost festival. This supernatural phenomenon enabled the New Testament Church to explode with growth.

Peter also was inspired and empowered to deliver a stirring message that led thousands to surrender their lives to Christ and to receive the Spirit’s leadership for their lives. Now, all who believe are given the gift of the Spirit to dwell in us, just as Christ promised. We simply must yield to His leadership in our lives daily, which sometimes is a challenge for us. But when we are “filled by the Spirit”, we can leave a mark for Christ, starting in our own homes.

In fact, the only other time we see the phrase “filled by the Spirit” used in the New Testament is in Ephesians 5:18ff and it’s in the context of relationships, with God and with our family. We can live a God-honoring life when we are yielded to the Spirit’s leadership!

Step 2 - Boldly share the Gospel with those who do not yet believe. (Acts 2:22-41)

After the Spirit came at Pentecost, the disciples, who had been hiding out following Jesus’ crucifixion, were emboldened and on fire for Christ’s sake! Peter shared a powerful message after which thousands committed their lives to Christ.

What happened to embolden and empower them? It was the arrival of the Holy Spirit in their lives; and He will do the same for you as a Believer! You may not stand and preach to thousands like Peter, but you really just need one in your audience. Is there one in your life right now who you could witness to? Would you count on the Holy Spirit to give you the courage and the words to share? Would you invite them to join you for worship at Watermark? No doubt there are people in your sphere of influence who desperately need salvation, hope and encouragement that comes only in Christ.

It might take one touch or dozens of touches before someone will accept your invitation. Don't give up! Keep trying. We all want to hear the words Peter and his fellow apostles heard when people were “cut to the heart” and asked “what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37)

Step 3 - Devote yourself to being the person (the church) God wants you to be! (Acts 2:42-47)

I love this passage! It really paints a vivid picture of a vital church… a church that was literally making an impression and leaving a mark for Jesus Christ! Leaving a mark requires devotion. These early Believers were devoted and it showed in a number of ways. In fact, their actions reveal for us four practices that will deepen our devotion to Christ and enable us to leave a mark for Him. Devote yourself to….

  • Instruction - 42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching…. Acts 2:42a

They wanted to learn more, know more, absorb more about what Jesus taught and how they could follow HIs lead in their lives. If you want to experience life change and leave a mark for Christ’s sake, devote yourself to knowing and applying God’s Word! Read it daily; listen to it taught every chance you get; join a life group where you can learn with others! Watermark is a teaching church.

  • Encouragement - 42 They devoted themselves… to fellowship. Acts 2:42b

These people were doing life together! They were encouraging one another, challenging one another, inspiring one another. No Believer is called to lead a solitary life. We need one another to help us grow spiritually and to experience lasting life change. Watermark is an encouraging church.

  • Prayer - 42 They devoted themselves… to prayer. Acts 2:42d

These Believers understood the importance of prayer! If you want to leave a mark, you better being praying. We must be praying for our family and our church family and for all those in our influence daily! Prayer changes things… prayer changes people. Are you devoted to prayer? Watermark is a praying church.

  • Worship - 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts 47 praising God. Acts 2:46-47a

Corporate worship matters. There is something powerful about Believers gathering to worship. We get to experience inspiring corporate worship weekly at Watermark! Watermark is a worshipping church!

Do you know what happens when we are devoted to teaching one another, encouraging one another, praying for one another and worshipping with one another? The Lord will add to our numbers those who are being saved! We will see lives changed; we will leave a mark for Jesus Christ!

For much more, click here to listen to: Multiply - Part 2 - How to Leave a Mark for Christ.
