
What is my purpose? What really matters? What’s the point? These are questions we’ve all asked in life. They are fair and important questions. The truth is we all need direction, purpose, and plans. The great news for us is that God didn’t leave these questions unanswered and to chance! He was very clear about our purpose on this earth.

During our current sermon series at Watermark, we are searching for answers to these questions and discovering what scripture teaches us. At Watermark, we are very clear about our purpose as a church and as Christ-Followers - to make an impression and leave a mark for Jesus Christ! So what does that mean? We believe it boils down to four key elements - Engage, Serve, Grow and Share! Everything we do in life, that really matters, is encompassed in these four words, all related to making and impression and leaving a mark for Jesus.

Jesus was really clear about what His expectations were for us, laying them out in His Great Commandment (Matthew 20:37-39) and Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). He calls us to engage with God - to love Him! And to intentionally engage with others in relationships built on love for the purpose of pointing them to Him.

Peter, one of Jesus’ closest friends and disciples, was a guy who took this very seriously. Last week, we talked about Jesus forgiving and restoring Peter, who had really let Jesus, and himself, down by denying he ever knew Jesus. Jesus gave him a second chance and Peter made the most of it - moving from fearfully hiding out to boldly speaking out for Christ’s sake. He helped launch the New Testament Church less than 60 days after his humiliating failure This early church would become a model for churches to follow. At Watermark, we strive to be like this vital, life-changing, attractive church. (Acts 2:42ff.)

So, what will you do with your second chances? What will you do to engage with God this week? What will you do to engage with other people where you work, live and play to love them and to point them to Jesus? For much more - Listen to What’s the Point? - Part 1.
